Restaurants We Wish Existed In Colombo
These are some restaurants we wish existed. Some or a bit silly, some are serious, but we hope they’re fun. If you have an ideas for restaurants you’d like to see in Colombo, leave them in the comments below.

The Weekend Wrap
If you’re already on a long weekend, lucky you but you probably have run out of things to do. We have you sorted because there are couple of events that just might interest you…
The YAMU Lamprais Taste-Off (2015)
Lamprais is a classic and beloved Sri Lankan meal – the appropriated history of the Dutch empire on a plate. Or a banana-leaf, more accurately. This is our 2015 taste-off of eight-contenders for the best lamprais in Colombo (in our opinion).
Bombay Sweet Park (Bambalapitiya)
Bombay Sweet Park is a mini-restaurant at the top of Visakha Road. They do some great samosas and a super milky, refreshing strawberry milkshake. They’re
The Sri Lanka Magic Circle
The Sri Lanka Magic Circle is a state-recognized institute of magicians that has been around since the 1920s. Back in the ’50s, they formed troupes