Sizzlers by Barracuda (First Look)
Set against the fast-disappearing stretch of Wellawatta-Dehiwela beach, Sizzlers is a new resto adjoining Barracuda. Their main theme is on delivering sizzling dishes, rather like
Set against the fast-disappearing stretch of Wellawatta-Dehiwela beach, Sizzlers is a new resto adjoining Barracuda. Their main theme is on delivering sizzling dishes, rather like
This weekend, we have plans. Do you have plans? If you don’t, here are a couple of things you can get up to.
Lots of people want to know where they can give a donation towards a meal, or provide a meal, or an alms giving on special days such as anniversaries, death anniversaries, birthdays and other occasions.If you are one of those people, there are a host of care-giving establishments that would benefit from a meal.
අපි කලින් දවසක කතා කලා හොඳ එළවළු පලතුරු කඩෙන් තෝරාගන්න හැටි ගැන. එහෙම ගත්තු එළවළු පලතුරු එක දවසින් කාල ඉවර කරන්නෙ නෑ නේ? ඉතින් ඒවා නාස්ති නොවෙන්න ගබඩා කරල තියාගන්න හැටිත් අපි පොඩ්ඩක් බලමු.
Everything you’d witness, if Olympics 2016 were to take place in Lanka land.